
Posted by Becca Cooper - October 10, 2024
Recently you may have noticed that the cookie banners that pop up at the bottom of web pages have changed. Before, your only options were usually to “Reject” or “Accept” all cookies. Now, due to changes in state privacy laws, you sometimes have the option to reject certain types. What exactly are cookies?  Cookies are packets of data that help...
Posted by - October 15, 2023
Onboarding is one of our most popular marketing programs here at And it’s no wonder why. Consider the fact that 73 percent of cross sales occur during the first 90 days of a new accountholder relationship. In addition, an effective onboarding program can reduce attrition by 50 percent. For financial institutions looking to build brand...
Posted by Becca Cooper - July 18, 2023
ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) tools are the current buzzwords taking the world by storm and drawing millions of users. However, that only means it’s more important than ever to exercise caution and think critically before incorporating new technology into the workplace. But what exactly is ChatGPT? Is it truly a revolutionary...
Posted by Charity Wanta - July 01, 2023
While the great importance of a solid onboarding program has been repeatedly touted, banks and credit unions must not neglect “reboarding.” This strategy for encouraging retention identifies the warning signs of a relationship that may be ending soon and engages marketing strategies for reconnecting and strengthening the relationship so that you...
Posted by Becca Cooper - March 08, 2023
The subject line is arguably one of the most important parts of a marketing email. It’s the first thing the recipient sees, after all, making it a vital space for convincing them to click in. On the flip side, a bad subject line may even go straight to the spam folder, bypassing the inbox completely. Don’t worry, we’re here to help you nail your...
Posted by Shelby Moyer - December 15, 2022
As part of our educational webinar series, we recently tackled the best strategies and tactics for multi-channel marketing, so you get the most out of your time and budget. presenters Emilee Schultz, Director of National Sales, and Lyndsey Bishop, Director of Digital Marketing, gave attendees a behind-the-scenes look at how our team...
Posted by Becca Cooper - November 06, 2022
There’s a new family in town – and you want them to visit your financial institution! Getting a new mover’s attention over a competitor can be tricky, and doing nothing is not an option – so what do you do? Humans are not rationally-motivated beings; we tend to make decisions based on emotion or convenience and then rationalize it with facts later...
Posted by Becca Cooper - October 05, 2022
QR codes are all the buzz nowadays. While they’ve been around for many years now, it’s only in the past few years that they seem to appear everywhere – and for good reason. Especially during the height of the pandemic, QR codes were a valuable tool to communicate information to individuals without needing to rely on the usual high-contact sources...
Posted by - October 06, 2021
Be more to your accountholders than their financial institution – be their educator on all things financial! Position yourself as an expert in the financial industry by offering unique financial tips, ideas and thoughts to your accountholders. Choosing to educate your accountholders on current events that impact finances (e.g. COVID-19) or general...
Posted by Allie Habeck - August 11, 2021
Many core conversions were put on hold during the pandemic, but those seem to be moving full speed ahead now. If your financial institution is facing a conversion, you may feel overwhelmed. After all, a lot goes into a successful core conversion, and along the way, there can be many challenges and obstacles. At times, you might even want to pull...
